What are Essential Oils ?

orange and green citrus fruits

Photo by Nerfee Mirandilla on Pexels.com

An essential oil is the natural fragrant essence extracted from flowers, leaves, bark, roots and berries.

When you peel a mandarin, smell jasmine, or squeeze a sprig of rosemary, it is the essential oil you are inhaling. These concentrated scents have qualities which, when extracted or distilled

Can benefit physical ailments and promote emotional as well as spiritual Wellbeing.

Essential oils work through our sense of smell. It is one of the most powerful yet underused senses. Researchers have revealed that we respond strongly to smell in the Limbic  brain, the part that deals with emotions and memories.

This explains why certain smells can trigger powerful Emotions or physical reactions….such as becoming more relaxed or being able to sleep. Alongside the emotional response, essential oils are often very beneficial physically, for the skin and muscles, encouraging healing and reducing inflammation


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